
Sleep as Android


Petr Nálevka


Track your sleep and wake up gently with nature sounds in optimal sleep phase

Alarm clock with sleep cycle tracker. Wakes you gently in light sleep for pleasant mornings. Features: sleep graph history, sleep debt stats, sharing (FaceBook, email), nature alarms (birds, sea, storm...) with gradual volume up, music volume down when asleep, captcha, sleep talk/snoring recording (2 weeks trial)


Sleep Talk Recorder



o you talk in your sleep? Are you sure? Now you can find out!

Sleep Talk Recorder - Now for free!

Do you talk in your sleep? 50 % of all children do it and at least 5% of all adults. Are you one of them?

#1 Top Paid app in UK (iPhone)
#1 Top Paid app in Sweden (iPhone)
Top 5 Paid app in Germany, Australia, Finland, Norway, Hungary, Denmark, Malta, New Zealand and Ireland. (iPhone)
- App of the Day, MacWorld.se Sep 21, 2010

Did you say something in your sleep last night? A lot of people did. 50% of kids between the ages of 3 and 10 carry on whole conversations during the night. As we grow older the figure goes down to about 5%. Some people talk occasionally, some every night.






Einfach wie nie. Bedienen Sie Ihren motorisierten bico-flex Einlegerahmen mit Ihrem iPhone, iPod touch oder iPad.
Die Bedienbarkeit der App ist durch die grafische Benutzeroberfläche mit grossen Symbolen sehr einfach und intuitiv. Über das Symbol *Einstellungen kann zwischen der M2 und M4 Version gewählt werden. Dank der Memory-Funktion lässt sich Ihre bevorzuge Ruheposition schnell speichern.

Hinweis: bico-flex Remote App benötigt zusätzlich den Bluetooth Empfänger von BICO (www.bico.ch/bluetooth), welcher im Handel erhältlich ist.


Cover art

bico-flex® Remote App