Rules for the publication and moderation of comments

User identification and publication of comments
The identification of users and the publication of comments are the responsibility of and are subject to the following rules:
• To publish a comment, you must connect to the service or by creating an account on in accordance with the terms of use set up by this service. You can only publish on products that you have purchased and that have been delivered to you.
• The service allows you at any time to follow the progress of a comment that you have posted, and to be informed if a response has been given to you or if your comment has been shared.
• By posting a comment, you accept that it is public and accessible to everyone (including visitors not connected to
• Your first name will be displayed your name will be truncated to the first letter, and appear your locality and country.
• You accept that the public content that you submit for comment is seen, copied or republished via the various functionalities of the service.
• For more information on the conditions of use of the service (including the methods for collecting personal data from users)

Moderation of comments

The site is responsible for moderating comments. By posting a comment, you are submitting to Netiquette below.
• The objective of the comments is to establish an enriching exchange. Be relevant: avoid off-topic, unfounded rumors and false information that are unhelpful and can be misleading.
• Strive to be understandable to all of your interlocutors. Not all slang terms, abbreviations and other local expressions are known.
• Avoid writing in capital letters. They give the impression that you are shouting and IT IS NOT VERY PLEASANT.
• Post your message and post it once. Repetition will not prove you right.
• Keep in mind that the rules are the same on the Internet and in everyday life: politeness and respect for your contacts are essential.
• You may disagree with an article or with a contact person. But be moderate in your remarks. If you want to criticize, be sure to explain it clearly and support it with arguments and, if possible, links.
• Before publishing content, ask yourself the question: "Do I have the rights to offer it?". You agree to respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and you refrain from reproducing any content protected by an intellectual property right without the authorization of the rights holders when this is required. This includes all protected texts, logos, images, videos or audio tapes.
• In general, you must avoid any content or link to content that would be contrary to current laws and regulations or to accepted principles of morality. In particular, you may not disseminate data, information or content that is defamatory, abusive, obscene, offensive, violent or incites violence or child pornography, or that is political, racist, xenophobic or condoning crimes against humanity.
• Assume that your interlocutors do not understand irony and the second degree, which could not, moreover, excuse a possible breach of the previous point.
• Private conversations must remain private, do not reproduce the content of your conversations without having explicitly asked your interlocutor's permission.
• Will be deleted without warning all comments interfering with the proper conduct of debates, containing advertising content, chained messages, any message violating the law as indicated above, off-topic, repeated several times, rude, or invective and aggressive language targeting people, including other commentators.
• To protect your privacy, do not give any personal information (email, address or telephone number) in a comment.
By violating these rules, you can have your comment deleted and / or your account banned from conversations, regardless of the connection mode chosen. You also remain criminally responsible for the comments and documents that you publish.